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Month: April 2020

Spring meeting and a new table saw

Spring meeting and a new table saw

Exceptions continue in the workspace

Open Tuesdays are still not scheduled yet and the association follows national recommendations when deciding possible opening or further exceptions. Key members are adviced to use the space for improving the hackerspace and making personal projects at home if possible, thus keeping the number of people at the lab in minimum.

Spring meeting

This year’s spring meeting is held online on Sunday 2020-05-17 at 16.00. The agenda by rule is:

1. the opening of the meeting
2. choosing a chairperson, a secretary, two inspectors of the proceedings and when needed, two vote counters
3. the legality and decision-making power of the meeting are stated
4. the procedures of the meeting are accepted
5. the financial report, the annual report and the statement of the auditors are presented
6. the ratification of the financial report and freedom of responsibility for the board and other responsible persons are decided
7. other topics mentioned in the call for meeting are discussed

We will announce our members later how to participate in the meeting.

The changes in rules of the organisation we made in last fall meeting, have now been processed and accepted by the registry, and are in effect from now on.

New table saw

The new table saw we member funded has arrived today! The machine requires new training and a permit before use, even for those who have used the old one. This saw replaces the previous with more powerful motor and more solid, larger frame.