Helsinki Hacklab has returned from Chaos Communication Camp 2023, after a week long hacking, creating and partying in Germany with our friends from, CitySec, Salmiakki Village and the whole Cold North Cluster. The cluster is our village friends from from all around the Nordic countries and beyond. Nice to see all the familiar and new faces joining the area! The cluster keeps the doors open for new participants in the future as well.
Do not cover
Oulu took a big role in the logistics again, with their patent pallet crate full of all important stuff for the proper camp experience. We had multiple people from Finnish hackerspaces in Salmiakki Village alongside with infosec people and others. Cold North cluster was the most successful of all the camps so far, even if the planning was a bit fuzzy in the start. Thanks for everyone taking part in the communications making it the greatest so far, even if the village did not have a sauna this time. We’ll fix that for the next Dutch camp in 2025.
Some of the cluster highlights: the open area in middle of the cluster and shade from sun, Omega’s tesla coil, Anderstorp’s party booth and playlist, BornHack’s sticker collection, daily cluster meetups and DJ open decks by rambo. The communications channel is now established better than before, so we’re set to sail for new camps and congresses. Such as the new Mastodon feed we set up!
Big thanks also to all the visitors in our cluster and for those ones brave (and fast) enough to get the taste of salmiakki, and our apologies if you were left out due to high demand.
MCH2022 camp is now over and the Finnish village empty in the scouting field of Flevoland, the Netherlands. Helsinki Hacklab was represented alongside with, HelSec, TurkuSec etc. other groups and individuals, plus joining forces with other Nordic villages forming the Cold North cluster in “the noisy corner”.
Originally the camp was supposed to be in 2021 but got postponed to 2022. In total the participant count was about 3 500 hackers, many of volunteering as well. If you want to get a glimpse of the atmosphere, get to know what the event is all about, most of the streamed talks are already archived online.
The village cluster got lucky the rental sauna, after a competing reservation for a different event got canceled and the idea was greenlighted from the organizers. Just like last time, the awesome new conference badge also got an app for the temperature tracking, though this time our village managed to release it quickly on day zero. As usual, our party tent was full of salmiakki in all shapes and forms except for salmiakki ice cream.
The villagers pushed maybe three or more apps in the badge app store, took volunteering tasks, competed in the CTF and arranged workshops or talks. Helsinki Hacklab provided laser cutted deco for the area. Our machine works great for this type of job because the the working area enables cutting large banners with a single run.
Järjestimme kevätkokouksen tänään ja pidämme lisäksi ylimääräisen jäsenkokouksen 6. kesäkuuta 2021 klo 14. Ylimääräisessä kokouksessa käsitellään kevätkokouksessa pöydälle jätetyt kohdat.
Kiitos kaikille kevätkokoukseen osallistuneille!
We arranged the spring meeting today and also are going to hold an extra general meeting on June 6th 2021 at 14. The extra meeting continues from the agenda points that were postponed in the spring meeting.
Thank you for everyone who took part in the spring meeting!
choosing a chairperson, a secretary, two inspectors of the proceedings and when needed, two vote counters
the legality and decision-making power of the meeting are stated
the procedures of the meeting are accepted
the financial report, the annual report and the statement of the auditors are presented
the ratification of the financial report and freedom of responsibility for the board and other responsible persons are decided
other topics mentioned in the call for meeting are discussed
re-evaluation of income and expenses for 2021
The place is our premises in Takkatie 18, but we recommend to join the meeting online instead, if possible. The join link is shared in Slack, irc and Telegram before the meeting starts.
The usual early fall rush hours have started, we have new people visiting and lots of projects going on. This blog post tries to catch up recent months that have been yet uncovered since summer.
This year’s major European hacker camp Chaos Communication Camp 2019 was in Germany, in the same brick factory musem as in 2015. was there together with infosec groups TurkuSec, HelSec and others, joining forces under the moniker Salmiakki Village. Just like at SHA2017, the Nordic hackerspaces such as Labitat, Hackeriet and, formed a combined tent village Cold North which Salmiakki was a part of. Together, we got a nice spot in the shadows and next to a balcony to get away from the heat of day.
Building a village this size the logistics was split in two batches: Oulu people sent a 3m high fully loaded pallet of mostly personal, networking, electricity and lightning stuff, and Helsinki Hacklab drove a van through the Baltics and Poland [photos] loaded with a party tent, a fridge and lots of other larger items. Most stuff ended up being used and not much was lacking from the load. We’re getting good in this.
Salmiakki Village
Salmiakki village was essentially a party place, but we had also packed some nice light effects, video art and of course salmiakki in different form. The village also was the homebase for Finnish CTF team, which ranked sixth in end results. Big thanks for Ponakka for lending us the sound system, which we hooked up into Rambo’s Technics turntable pair. Sadly we got no permission for a sauna this time (though a pizza oven elsewhere in the area was excused for some reason). We had to regret the unfortunate situation for many people, but the area had high risk of forest fires that time and electricity too scarse. Hopefully this can be fixed next time in the forthcoming IFCAT camp in Netherlands year 2021, like we had at SHA camp.
We had some time to visit Fukusima Sauna in Riga on our return trip. Thanks long time hacklab member Vihannes for hosting us and showing us around. Next time we try to plan ahead so we have time to also try out the sauna itself and see the local makerspace. The Cold North area is going to be developed further with more shared planning, information exchange and other coordination. There is the Nordic mailing list and even a new wiki set up by Hackeriet. For the next camp, the cluster should return even greater than this year!
September: Dust collector redesign and space improvement
Dust collector installation
Woodwork room got some new space after moving the dust vacuum in a different spot outside the room itself. The pipings and hoses that move the dust now have more outlets, which means even hand tools should be easy to attach. The vacuum is now located next to our back door emergency exit on ground floor. Thanks to Depili and Harald for making most of the work.
The mitre saw was changed to a new one, that has a soft start motor and built-in laser guide. Tarmo has worked on a router table, but there is still some work to do and parts to be changed, but it’s looking good already. The wood workshop also got new lights, because the old ones started to crack in pieces when opening the dust cover. There are some new fire extinguishers and quite many old ones here and there, and the wood workshop got an extra first aid kit. We got no instructions to correct anything in the space after a fire inspection took place. Remember to keep the emergency exit area clean of any trash or workpieces.
Helsinki Hacklab made a contract with a local cleaning service and scheduled a cleanup every two weeks, including the meetup room, kitchen, 3D-printing area, toilets and other semi clean rooms, which do not include the woodworking room and metal work rooms. Hopefully this helps us to maintain a tidier hackerspace when the volunteer does not have to start from complete disaster each time they have a need to clean something. After painting the floor in July, the place looks a lot better and the new surface is easier to clean.
October: Aluminium welding course plus more
Aluminium welding is something quite many people have asked, but due to the difficulty of learning it by yourself, many have hesitated to give it a try. Luckily, Anle knows the processa and promised us to arrange a weekly workshop. The interest in the course was anticipated to be high, so we eventually had to use lottery to choose participants. As of writing this, there are still two lessons left in this course. We cannot yet promise if there will be any repetitions of the course in near future.
Aluminium welding course going on
The welding course is not the only skill we have teached each other this September. Other tools we’ve given courses in include the metal lathe, laser cutter and various woodworking tools. If any of our members know a skill and want to share knowledge, there is always a possibility to have either small introductions, recurring lessons or even weekend long intensive workshops.
Helsinki Hacklab ja Assembly Summerissa maker-teltta pystytetään tänäkin vuonna Assembly Summer -tapahtumaan. Meidät löytää tällä kertaa uudesta Scene Loungesta Skrolli-lehden ständin vieressä. Tai sitten ulkoa.
Maalaustyöt ohi työtilassa
Lattian maali on kuivunut ja läbi on otettu käyttöön tavalliseen tapaan. Täysi kulutuskestävyys vie vielä joitain viikkoja, joten varo naarmujen ja kolhujen aiheuttamista (suuret tavarat, terävät osat, tuolien jalkojen raahaaminen ym.).
Hacklab Summit Finland HSF19½ Helsinki Hacklabilla 14.-16.6.2019. HSF on hackerspace, DIY ja maker -harrastajien tapahtuma, joka on ensi kertaa järjestetty talvella 2012. Ohjelmaan kuuluu robottikisa, saunomista, ruokailua, vierailuja, toimintaa, esityksiä, kokemuksien jakamista yhdistystoiminnasta ja vapaamuotoista yhdessäoloa. Lisäksi sumplitaan yhteistyötä, tapahtumiin osallistumisia ja hacklabien yhteistyötoimintaa. Viikonloppu on täynnä kaikenlaista toimintaa, ja välissä pääsee säätämään esim. omia robottejaan kisaa varten.
Ohjelmaa täsmennetään vielä tapahtuman lähestyessä.
Huom! Helsinki Hacklabin jäsenillä tai avainjäsenillä ei ole pääsyä työtilaan tapahtuman aikana ilman tapahtumaan ilmoittautumista. Puiston robottikisa on avoin aivan kaikille, joten kutsukaa ihmisiä mukaan!
Kevään tärkeitä päivämääriä Hacklabin toiminnassa:
Pihatalkoot keväällä 2018
Hupicon 12.-14.4. Helsingin Messukeskusessa. Olemme täällä mukana Avaruustutkimusseuran kanssa. Ilmoittaudu mukaan ständipäivystäjäksi discoursessa, meillä on lippuja vapaaehtoisille osallistujille. Samassa tapahtumassa mukana mm. lemmikkieläimessut ym.
Kevätsiivous 27.4.
Laitetaan piha ja sisätilat kuntoon ennen kesää. Ei tarvitse ilmoittautua ennakkoon.
Yhdistyksen kevätkokous 4.5.
Paikkana oma työtila Takkatie 18. Virallinen kokouskutsu lähetetään sähköpostitse. 17.-18.5.
Tampereella. Edistetään hacklabien välistä yhteistyötä ja suunnitellaan toiminnan uutta järjestäytymistä. Avoin kaikille Suomen hacklabeille. Kysy lisää irkissä.
Tule mukaan HSF:ään Tampereelle! Tapahtuma on tarkoitettu ihan kaikille hacklabilaisille kaikkialla Suomessa.
Tapahtuma järjestään viikonloppuna 8-10.2.2019.
Ilmoittautuminen on avattu ja suurin osa ohjelmasta julkaistu. Hacklab Summit Finland on Suomen hacklabien yhteinen tapahtuma ja paikalle toivotaan väkeä kaikista Suomen hacklabeista.
Viikonlopun ohjelmassa on yhteisiä projekteja, esityksiä mielenkiintoisista aiheista, robottikisaa ja vapaamuotoisempaa vaihtoehtoisempaa yhdessäoloa. Paikalle tilataan ruokaa, sauna ja palju! Käymme myös pyörähtämässä pelikeskus Z-Basessa.
Kirjasto Oodin robotiikkapäivä lauantaina 2.2.2019
Keskustakirjasto Oodissa järjestetään Robotiikkapäivä, jossa on näytillä erilaisia robotteja, luentoja ja työpajoja. Mukana on mm. Oodin logistiikkarobotti, Futuricen InMoov-projekti ja muita erilaisia robotteja. Hacklab on mukana tapahtumassa omalla pöydällä.
Saimme vihdoin lähetettyä laskut vuoden 2019 jäsenmaksuista. Jos et löydä siis sähköpostistasi tai roskaposteistasi vielä viestiä otsikolla “Invoice from Helsinki Hacklab ry“, ole meihin yhteydessä Slackissa tai hallituksen osoitteeseen.
We have few people from, and more from HelSec and TurkuSec plus others. The Finnish group is about twenty participants this year. We’re located between Labitat, and Hackeriet in The Cold North area.
Get yourself a sticker or a stamp in your hackerspace passport at our table.