Christmas present for our members: we just bought a larger and heavier band saw! Please use the old one until we get this first installed and adjusted.
The manual milling machine in metal working room has reached a point where we can now announce it ready to use. We received a lot of tools alongside it, so ask Miikka or Markusjm if you need help in selecting the right one for the job. The machine can be used as an ordinary drill press for metals.
Other news:
- more hearing protection soon arriving
- batch order of laser cutter materials? (planning stage)
- we’ve budgeted for buying new cleaning tools, another vacuum cleaner, first aid supplies and storage boxes
Events and happenings in the near future
Next open Tuesday on 1st Jan 2019
Disobey – We will be at Disobey 2019 with, please come say hello and make/break stuff at our workshop table.
35C3 – is represented in 35C3 both with Finnish infosec groups and Nordic hackerspaces.
HSF19 – Hacklab Summit Finland 2019 weekend has been announced in Discourse. The event returns to Tampere Hacklab for 2019.