Rules of the organisation

Rules of the organisation

Disclaimer: This is an unofficial translation of the original text from Finnish. In cases where this translation differs, conflicts or interprets different from the original, the Finnish version precedes this translation.

This version is slightly out of date due to 2019 changes that have not been corrected in the translation.


1. Name of the organisation and locality

Name of the organisation is Helsinki Hacklab ry, and it is based in Helsinki

2. Objective and activity

The organisation is politically and religiously non-affiliated association, which pursues developing and advancing hobby possibilities in science, technology, arts and manual skills for its members and neighbouring areas. In addition, the organisation pursues operating and advancing radio amateur activities.
To achieve its objectives, the organisation seeks to arrange space and tools for member use. The organisation can also do training, publicity work and publishing operations and arrange excursions.
To support its operations, and when any potentially required appropriate permission is granted, the organisation can:
– collect membership fees
– accept grants, donations and testaments
– arrange fundraisings, lotteries, rummage sales, events and
– own fixed assets and movable property for its essential use

3. Members

A person, if they accept the objective and the rules of the organisation, can be accepted as a true member of the organisation.
A person or juridical person, if they want to support the objective and activity of the organisation, can be accepted as a supporting member of the organisation.
True members and supporting members are accepted by the board of the organisation via an application.

4. Resigning of membership and expelling members

A member has a right to resign their membership by announcing it in writing to the board or the chairperson of the board or by announcing the resign in general meeting to be in writing in the proceedings.
The board can expel a member from the organisation, if they have left overdue membership fee unpaid, or otherwise have not fulfilled those duties which they have adhered by joining as a member, or have significantly damaged the organisation by their actions either within or outside it, or do not anymore fulfil requirements of membership stated either in the law or the rules of the organisation.

5. Sign-in fee and membership fee

The amounts of sign-in fee and yearly membership fee, collected from true members and supporting members, are ruled by the general meeting of the organisation for both membership classes separately.

6. The board

The business of the organisation is governed by the board, which includes a general meeting elected chairperson and 3-7 other members.
The term of members of the board and the chairperson is two calendar years. One half of the members of the board are to resign yearly. The board selects among its members a vice chairperson and selects, either among its members or outside them, a secretary, a treasurer and other officials deemed necessary.
The board meetings are called by the chairperson based on their evaluation, or by demand of least one half of the members of the board.
The board has decision making power when at least one half of its members, the chairperson or vice chairperson included, are present. Votings are settled by simple majority rule. In a tie situation, the vote of the chairperson decides. True members of the organisation have a requested right to examine proceedings of board meetings.

7. Signing of the name of the organisation

Signing of the name of the organisation is executed by the chairperson, vice chairperson, the secretary or the treasurer, by two together. The other signer must however be the chairperson or the vice chairperson.

8. Accounting period and auditing

The accounting period of the organisation is one calendar year.
The financial statement, including the necessary attachments and the annual report of the board, must be handed to the auditors at least four weeks before the spring meeting. The auditors must hand over their written statement to the board at least two weeks before the spring meeting.

9. General meetings

The organisation arranges two yearly general meetings.
The spring meeting is arranged between February and May and the fall meeting between September and December on dates ruled by the board.
An exceptional general meeting is arranged, when the general meeting decides such, or when the board rules it reasoned, or when at least one tenth (1/10) of members entitled to vote specially demand it from the board in writing. The meeting must be arranged within thirty days after the demand is presented to any member of the board.
Every true member of the organisation is entitled to one vote. A member with voting right, not able to participate, can authorise a representative among the members of the organisation to a meeting. Every member of the organisation can represent only one other member with a mandate. In meetings, supporting members only have rights to attend and speak.

10. Call for general meetings

The board must call for general meetings at least two weeks before the meeting using mailed letters or email.

11. General meetings in detail

The spring meeting of the organisation discusses the following topics:
1. the opening of the meeting
2. choosing a chairperson, a secretary, two inspectors of the proceedings and when needed, two vote counters
3. the legality and decision-making power of the meeting are stated
4. the procedures of the meeting are accepted
5. the financial report, the annual report and the statement of the auditors are presented
6. the ratification of the financial report and freedom of responsibility for the board and other responsible persons are decided
7. other topics mentioned in the call for meeting are discussed

The fall meeting of the organisation discusses the following topics:
1. the opening of the meeting
2. choosing a chairperson, a secretary, two inspectors of the proceedings and when needed, two vote counters
3. the legality and decision-making power of the meeting are stated
4. the procedures of the meeting are accepted
5. the action plan, estimate of income and expenses, and the amount of join-in and membership fees for the next year are ratified
6. the chairperson of the board and other members are selected
7. one or two auditors and their deputies are selected
8. other topics mentioned in the call for meeting are discussed

If a member of the organisation wants to have a topic to be discussed in spring or fall meeting, they must state it to the board in writing in such good time beforehand, that the topic can be included in the call for meeting.

12. Changing the rules and dissolution of the organisation

The decision of changing the rules or dissolution of the organisation must be made in general meeting with at least three fourths (3/4) majority of the votes. The call for meeting has to mention the changing of the rules or dissolution of the organisation.
In dissolution of the organisation, the funds of the organisation are used in pursuing the objectives of the organisation, in means decided by the meeting executing the dissolution of the organisation. In discontinuation of organisation, its funds are used for same objective.