Laura Dahlbergin näyttely C6H12O aukeaa viikonloppuna Galleria Huudossa.
Lauran lisäksi Helsinki Hacklabista on ollut mukana osallistumassa tekijöitä teknisten toteutusten suunnittelussa ja rakentamisessa. Elektroniikkahuoneessa on talvella ja keväällä rakennettu ilmankostuttimien ohjausta uusiksi ja luotu keinotekoista luontokokemusta muovista ja teokseen tilatusta synteettisestä nurmikon tuoksusta.
Näyttelyn avajaiset perjantaina 6.4. klo 18-20. Avajaisiin ja näyttelyyn vapaa pääsy.
Autodesk Fusion 360on moderni 3D CAD/CAM -työkalu eli kolmiulotteisten kappaleiden ja rakenteiden mallinnustyökalu. Ilmaisuutensa takia siitä on nopeasti muodostunut de facto standardi harrastelijapiireissä, ja Helsingin Hacklabilla se on yleisimmin käytetty interaktiivinen mallinnin.
Kurssi pidetään 5 peräkäisenä keskiviikkona 18.4. alkaen. Istunnot tapahtuvat klo 18 – n. klo 21 tai niin pitkään kuin intoa kunakin iltana riittää.
Kurssille ei tarvita ennakkoilmoittautumista, mutta istumapaikat menevät saapumisjärjestyksessä.
Tarkempaa tietoa kurssista ja sen sisällöstä löytyy labin Discoursessa. Kaikki aiheesta kiinnostuneet tervetuloa!
Vapaaehtoiset ovat teheneet elektroniikkahuoneessa paljon uusia muutoksia ja parannuksia. Lattia ja seinät on maalattu, jalkalistat kiinnitetty paikalleen ja muitakin isompia tai pienempiä muutoksia saatu toteutettua vähitellen loppuun asti. Lajitelmalaatikoston sisältöjä on siivoiltu ja järjestelty tilaa säästävämmin seinälle ripustettuihin lokerikkoihin.
Saimme viime viikolla lahjoituksena suuren määrän elektroniikan komponentteja, joita on ehditty jo jonkin verran lajitella paikoilleen. Tavaraa on selviteltävänä vielä vaikka kuinka paljon.
Muistathan maksaa jäsenmaksusi vuodelle 2018
Edelleen joitakin vuoden alussa lähetettyjä jäsenmaksulaskuja on vielä maksamatta. Alkuperäinen eäpäivä laskuissa on ollut 16.1.2018. Näiden jäsenmaksujen suorittamisen viimeinen takaraja on 30.4.2018, jonka jälkeen maksamaton maksu tulkitaan eroilmoitukseksi jäsenyydestä. Takaraja ei koske vuoden 2018 aikana jäseneksi liittyneitä tai liittyviä jäseniä. Varmistathan, että yhdistyksen lähettämät sähköpostimuistutukset eivät jää suodatukseen, ja että yhdistykselle antamasi yhteystiedot ovat edelleen ajantasaiset.
Viikonloppu Tampereella ja muita päivämääriä on suunniteltu jäsenrekisteriohjelman kehitysviikonloppua Tampereelle. Mukaan saa tulla kaikkien eri hacklabien jäsenet. Sauna- ja kokoustila Majaranta Hervannan lähimaastossa on varattu lauantaiksi 21.4., ja sitä ennen voi osallistua Tampere Hacklabin saunailtaan edeltävänä perjantaina. Jos siis osaat tai haluat oppia djangoa (python), tule mukaan kehittämään hacklabien yhteistä projektia ja ilmoittele joko tai omalle hacklabille saapumisestasi.
Voit merkitä jo nyt kalenteriisi yhdistyksen kevätkokouksen päivämäärälle 19.5.2018. Varsinainen kokouskutsu lähetetään myöhemmin. HSF18½ järjestetään viikonloppuna 8.—10.6.2018.
Ten participating hackerspaces must be a record for the biannual gathering of Finnish hacklabs! Hacklab Summit Finland 2018 was arranged in Jyväskylä, and despite the local hacklab was in charge of the event for the first time, they managed to make this happening one of the best in the history of HSF.
Our hangout place
The major theme for this year was planning the way how to formalise as an official organisation of hackerspaces in Finland. We now have initial idea how the organisation should work, based on opinions and votes of those, who took part in this meeting. Unanimous conclusion was, that the founding assembly is going to be the next HSF in Helsinki this summer. has a history of more or less informal co-operation between cities since 2012. The new organisation will be strictly for member-operated hackerspaces, supporting new groups to get started, offering web services, representing our local scene in events both in Finland and further away, and making all kinds of PR work to help people find their local hacklabs.
Jyväskylä Hacklab took the responsibility to arrange HSF in connection with Instanssi demoscene event. This enabled us to have more space, content and possibilities than before. As usual, the program was fixed weeks before the start, and a hourly timetable kept us on track with finishing robots ready for the competition, remembering to eat, presenting recent happenings in different hacklabs, doing something more than just sitting behind the laptop, going to a indoor trampoline park and of course, the sauna.
Staying active
Helsinki participated in the robot race track competition with two robots. The robot track is a 1 × 2 m box which has copies of itself in some of the member spaces. Joonamo found his robot from last summer still working, and I assembled hastily some LEGO robot that had code running just few minutes before the competition started. The program was written in Python from scratch, the robot did zero practicing on the track, and I only knew it could probably move forward when turned on. For my complete surprise, it actually managed to make one clean complete round on the track, and didn’t even finish last on the results list. Joonamo’s robot came 3rd in speed results and 4th in popular vote, and the host city Jyväskylä took the first place. Robot competition was also included in the Instanssi program, so we had a great audience supporting the bots on the racetrack.
Posing before the race
The weekend ended in visiting Hacklab Jyväskylä, which is about to move to a larger location soon. Tampere Hacklab is expanding its place with a new metal room and textile work section. There are also plans in other cities to look for larger workspaces and Nokia just started their own lab. This HSF had a very positive athmosphere where collaboration is taken for granted.
Definitely looking good for hacklab scene in Finland right now. A big thanks to Jyväskylä for hosting us!
Hacklab palaa vähitellen normaallin toimintaan
Tiistaina taas avoimet ovet. Elektroniikkahuoneessa saattaa olla vielä paljon kaikenlaista keskeneräistä, mutta nämä puutteet ovat työn alla. Työtilassa on kuitenkin nyt taas mahdollista rakennella kaikenlaista.
Haluatko oppia löytämään puutyötilasta aina sopivan työvälineen tarkoitukseen ja käyttämään sitä oikein? Mihin ne roskat tyhjennettiin? Keskiviikkona järjestetään lyhyt kurssi aiheesta. Tehdään työtilasta siisti ja mukava paikka kaikille käyttäjille.
Näyttelyn avajaiset Galleria Lapinlahdessa
Pia Männikkö on rakentanut teoksen Galleria Lapinlahdessa avautuvaan näyttelyyn. Hacklab on ollut mukana suunnittelemassa ja toteuttamassa liikuttelevaa mekaniikkaa. Avajaiset tiistaina! Lisätietoa discoursessa.
Finally we have some new info about the next Tuesdays:
Volunteer Tuesday 2018-02-13 – moving work tables and other items, reorganizing and sorting
– many tools not in use yet
– simple tasks for everyone
– only limited possibilities to make anything or get assistance, please consider just doing volunteer work
Open Tuesday 2018-02-20 – normal Open Tuesdays return starting from here
It’s OK to walk on the floor now
Basics of wood turning (in Finnish) 2018-02-14
– English course can be arranged if there’s demand
Some development in the workspace – the next Open Tuesday still undecided!
Open Tuesdays and other weekly happenings should soon return, but as for now, the cancellations are still going on. The floor gets painted, and it might be impossible even to visit the hackerspace during following next days.
Hopefully we can return to normal actions on the second week of February. Please follow updates on this site to know better.
Update: Helsinki Hacklab closes its doors between 6th Feb. and 12th Feb
This year organized by Hacklab Jyväskylä for the first time! The event is held simultaneously with Instanssi digital culture and demoscene party. Our HSF robot competition is presented to the audience, and all the demoscene shows are also available for the hackerspace groups. We also have time to plan co-operation just with our friends.
Major theme will be deciding if should organize itself into a formal registered association, as a top level co-op of Finnish hacklabs. We hope that these hackerspace and makerspace groups can join in the discussion.
Hacklab Summit Finland has been organized annually since 2012. The ticket shop is now open!
Photos from January
Building a Prusa MK3One of the few remaining Turku Hacklab stickers
New Helsinki Hacklab logo stickersMinifactory 3D printer. Always keep a spool of pink available.
The hackerspace is waiting for new paint on its floors in some areas. We have already emptied two rooms in advance and moved all stuff to other locations. The electronics room and vinyl cutter etc. are not currently in use. We do not yet have the exact date when the painting will begin, but hope it will start soon.
Because of the painting and other renovation, there are currently no general Open Tuesdays until we inform otherwise. If you have the time, you can come help us with renovation, reorganizing and cleanup and other tasks on Tuesdays or other occasions. Please ask on Slack or IRC if you want to know more.
Sorry about the inconvenience. We hope that the lab will be even better than before once this all is over!
Disobey 12.-13.1.2018
Helsinki Hacklab, along with our friends from, are coming to Disobey infosec event this weekend. Come say hi and meet us at our table.
Year 2017 at Helsinki Hacklab had some remarkable moments. Most importantly, we made a major expansion in the workspace, adding more room space from 215 m² to somewhere around 370 m² effectively, when excluding rented out areas. We also got a grant from Arts Promotion Finland (Taike) for our yearly children’s event and other expenses. The unfortunate piping leak, which happened closer to the end of the year, meant that some areas had to be rebuilt completely. While this is still ongoing issue and the floors waiting for a new coat of paint, we can hopefully now say that the end result might become something way better than the original ever was. Next year we have a usable separate workroom for chemistry.
The expansion and our new woodworking area
The expansion plans – including figuring out how to finance everything – had to start quickly because our behind-the-wall neighbor was leaving the building, and letting anyone else seize this opportunity would stall our hopes of any expansion for years to come if staying in this address. A quick draft showed that with some active keyholder member recruiting and finding subtenants would make this a feasible plan. The old woodworking room was in pressure to grow larger, as it could not fit more users to meet the demand. It had no room for table saw or any other new tools. The quickly negotiated expansion plan reserved most of the new free space for woodworking alone, one third for a subtenant woodworker with his separate workshop, and the remaining part mostly for storage. The new areas include a back door, a lifting garage door and a second WC. At the end of this year, we seem to be doing okay and call it a success.
Robots racing on a track
Robots in Strömberg Park, a family event organized by the co-op network in Helsinki, was organized for the second time and is very very likely to happen in 2018 too. (How soon we can call it a tradition?). We had competitors from at least five other hackerspaces and a large new tent bought with Taike’s grant. The competition was preceded by weekly robot meetings, to prep the bots to be ready enough for the big day.
SHA2017 Finnish Village tent with sauna
The sauna we brought to SHA2017 hacker camp turned out to be a wildly popular, at least in number of photograph attention it got. Let’s say this was our contribution to Finland’s 100th year of independence festives. Greetings to all who were brave enough to try out the sauna and to all our Nordic fellow camping neighbors! We fear we have no other option but to try to bring a sauna for the next hacker camp too.
In organizational stuff: we started to have so much diverse discussion and many users on our IRC channel, that we tried using Slack and so far got stuck to it. The old IRC channel is available too, but many topics have now their own places in our Slack group. In the workspace, the layout of things got shuffled again. We switched all our tables for folding ones in the classroom – thanks to Stockholm Makerspace for the idea!
The FPGA course continues our many year long continuous tradition of digital technology Thursdays, which started sometime while still in our previous address. We again collaborated with visual artists and also helped a samba group building their costumes in our workspace.
Assembly Summer 2017
Some memorable member projects:
– steam powered maze robot, with Lego mechanics
– synced clock displays for broadcasts and event audiovisuals
– experiments with woodturning using our new lathe
– towable grill for bicycle
– large LED display matrix
2017 in numbers
– 2500 new uploaded Flickr photos
– 100% increase in rented floor area
– 128 member applications received
– 6 events visited and one organized by ourselves