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Tag: Kesä

Kesän ajan toiminta

Kesän ajan toiminta

Yhdistyksen hallitus siirtyy kesän ajaksi puolittaiselle tauolle ja kokoontuu vain harvakseltaan. Kalenteriin merkittyjä tapahtumia saatetaan joutua perumaan, uusien jäsenten hyväksymisessä on viiveitä, isompia hankintapäätöksiä voi joutua odottamaan ja elokuussa ei todennäköisesti pystytä järjestämään haastattelua uusille avainjäsenille. Tilanne normalisoituu taas syyskuun puolella.

Hacklab on taas mukana Assembly Summer -tapahtumassa! Tervetuloa tutustumaan meidän ständiin.

Radiokerhon toiminta on ollut aktiivista myös kesän aikana ja kerholle on nyt merkitty keskiviikoille toistaiseksi jokaviikkoinen kokoontumisilta. Tarkemmat viikottaiset aiheet Slackin #sdr-kanavalla. Radiokerhon toiminta ei rajoita tilan muuta käyttöä samanaikaisesti.

Päivitys: 5.8. avainhaastattelu pidetään normaalisti

End of summer update and important traffic route information

End of summer update and important traffic route information


Important: car traffic route changes leading to Hacklab

Starting from this week, Takkatie road to Helsinki Hacklab is temporarily closed from east and car users now have to arrive from Ravitie past Vermo hippodrome. The road work lasts for three months because of the new tram line construction. The tram starts its operation in 2024 and the closest stop will be 550 meters from our door in direction of Vermo. The closed crossing is marked with a red square in the picture.

End of summer opening times

We cannot promise normal weekly operations as for now, and there are no courses planned, only short indroductory trainings for tools occasionaly. Open Tuesdays are going on somewhat normally, but please refrain from visiting the place if you just plan to hang around without any projects etc., or in case you have been traveling or exposed to the virus in some risk location.

Now that much of the making and doing stays home, our online community is more important than ever. If you are a member and have not yet joined our Slack group, you can request a new join link from hallitus email.

New upstairs doors

This weekend we changed the first of two new doors in our upstairs expansion area. The goal is to connect them in our electronic lock system soon. The insides have also been improved with new paint on the walls. Doors had to be ordered in special measurements because of the low available installation height and odd widths.

There is also an ongoing work with the chemistry room. The fume cabinet is fitted with a blower that sends the air out. Similar work has been done also for the laser cutter, and it works with manual on/off for now.


Open Tuesdays continue with limitations

Open Tuesdays continue with limitations

Helsinki Hacklab continues Open Tuesdays. The government has set a limit of 50 persons for meetings, and the space is not very big for crowds. If situation or experiences from these Tuesdays show that we need to have additional limitations, we might set such during the evening or beforehand. Key members are advised to use the space on other days if possible.

Please note that the woodworking room and its machines are not in use due to installations in progress. Laser, electronics and metal working rooms are available as usual.

Some bigger and smaller progress in the space:

  • storage for woodworking is getting improved
  • upstairs doors will be changed
  • the back yard is more clean and usable than ever
  • we are taking the shipping container in use but it needs some work first
Jäsenhakemusten käsittelyssä viivettä

Jäsenhakemusten käsittelyssä viivettä

HKI Hacklab logoKesän kiireistä johtuen jäsen- ja avainhakemuksien jonoa ei ole ehditty käsitellä hallituksen kokouksessa. Jos olet lähettänyt jäsenhakemuksen, voit osallistua toimintaan normaalisti jo ennen kuin hakemuksesi on käsitelty.

Due to summer schedules, member applications and key member applications have not been processed in board meetings yet. If you have sent us a membership application, you can already participate in activities before you have been formally accepted.