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August 2022 @ Hacklab

August 2022 @ Hacklab

New key member interview in August

Due to holidays, unavailable people and events, new key member interview in August had to be rescheduled from usual first Monday of month to a later date. The new date is now on Wed 10.8. and is updated in our calendar as well.

Assembly Summer 2022 and Helsinki Hacklab participate in Assembly Summer 2022 with projects and other display stuff. Come greet us if you’re around and ask questions if you want to know more what we do!

New tools and improvements

We have lots of new things going on in the lab: a new sharpening tool for woodworking and pressure air etc. And most notably, we are working on a solution to get small scale painting and surface finishing finally doable in a designaged corner.

Spring meeting and a new table saw

Spring meeting and a new table saw

Exceptions continue in the workspace

Open Tuesdays are still not scheduled yet and the association follows national recommendations when deciding possible opening or further exceptions. Key members are adviced to use the space for improving the hackerspace and making personal projects at home if possible, thus keeping the number of people at the lab in minimum.

Spring meeting

This year’s spring meeting is held online on Sunday 2020-05-17 at 16.00. The agenda by rule is:

1. the opening of the meeting
2. choosing a chairperson, a secretary, two inspectors of the proceedings and when needed, two vote counters
3. the legality and decision-making power of the meeting are stated
4. the procedures of the meeting are accepted
5. the financial report, the annual report and the statement of the auditors are presented
6. the ratification of the financial report and freedom of responsibility for the board and other responsible persons are decided
7. other topics mentioned in the call for meeting are discussed

We will announce our members later how to participate in the meeting.

The changes in rules of the organisation we made in last fall meeting, have now been processed and accepted by the registry, and are in effect from now on.

New table saw

The new table saw we member funded has arrived today! The machine requires new training and a permit before use, even for those who have used the old one. This saw replaces the previous with more powerful motor and more solid, larger frame.

Pieniä edistyksiä

Pieniä edistyksiä

Kirjahyllyt ja Avaruustutkimusseuran tavarat samassa nurkassa

Siivosimme viikonloppuna koulutustilaa, “hiljaista huonetta” ja pihaa. Kirjahyllyt siirtyivät samaan tilaan pois pääoven käytävältä ja uusi karkkiautomaatti sai paikkansa hyllyjen vanhalta paikalta. Roska-astioita on uudelleenjärjestelty, mutta niille ei vielä ole varmistunut lopullista sijaintia. Kemiatilan järjestely pääsi kunnolla vauhtiin, ja paikka on jo nyt paljon parempi kuin vielä hetki sitten.

Pihalta siivottiin lehtiä ja roskia. Siilin talvipesä avattiin, ja siellä oli ainakin jonkin hiirtä isomman eläimen jättämiä sotkuja. Hamppuvillat eivät kuitenkaan olleet siilille ominaiseen tapaan möyhittyjä.

Kärryllinen uusia koneita

Kävimme ostamassa lisää työkoneita puutyötilaan: iso nauhahiomakone on pian käyttökuntoinen ja uutta pylväsporaa pääsee käyttämään jo nyt. Samalla hankimme epäkeskohiomakoneen, puruimurin ja muuta pientä.

Valokuvien lataus Flickriin oli mennyt rikki jonkin aikaa sitten, mutta nyt sen pitäisi taas toimia.

Muistutus: kevätkokous lauantaina!

New tools update and events

New tools update and events

Christmas present for our members: we just bought a larger and heavier band saw! Please use the old one until we get this first installed and adjusted.

The manual milling machine in metal working room has reached a point where we can now announce it ready to use. We received a lot of tools alongside it, so ask Miikka or Markusjm if you need help in selecting the right one for the job. The machine can be used as an ordinary drill press for metals.

Other news:

  • more hearing protection soon arriving
  • batch order of laser cutter materials? (planning stage)
  • we’ve budgeted for buying new cleaning tools, another vacuum cleaner, first aid supplies and storage boxes

Events and happenings in the near future

Next open Tuesday on 1st Jan 2019

Disobey – We will be at Disobey 2019 with, please come say hello and make/break stuff at our workshop table.

35C3 – is represented in 35C3 both with Finnish infosec groups and Nordic hackerspaces.

HSF19 – Hacklab Summit Finland 2019 weekend has been announced in Discourse. The event returns to Tampere Hacklab for 2019.

150W of laser power

150W of laser power

Helsinki Hacklab now has a new 150W CO2 laser cutter with almost 1,5m² of work area. Most other laser cutters could fit inside this beast!

This week we have had the first user introductions for members, and the wiki page for the machine probably updates in the process. We have made some tests with plywood and acrylic so far, but the materials are not limited to those only. We’ll try to arrange some basic stock of laser cut suitable materials soon. We are going to require membership and basic training before use. By the way, membership fee for the rest of 2018 is free of charge for new joining members.

We received generous help from Minela Säätiö foundation, the local Rotary club among others, and importantly – our own members. Thank you all who participated!

Hello September!

Hello September!

The temporary antenna installation

The quiet summer is now over and we should expect having full house on Open Tuesdays again. Here are some projects we’ve been making lately:

Helsinki Hacklab is now testing and soon setting up a more permanent SatNOGS station in our hackerspace. The antenna cable is installed trough an air duct that goes all the way up to the roof from our cellar level space. We already have an antenna and our own satellite tracking station site  in the SatNOGS network. You can check out our latest observations there!

Our members just bought a manual milling machine for the metal working room. The machine and its tools is now waiting for a transportation to our address. We arrange training later for those who are interested in learning to use it. There’s also a better drill bench in the woodworking room now.

Other new things at the lab include better emergency exit markings, fixed 3D printers, and a showcase cabinet for selected or archived example projects.


Back door emergency exit paintjob

Fixing bikes

No unruly parking!

Tuesday update: The milling machine arrived quickly!

Puusorvi saapui

Puusorvi saapui

Puutyötila sai eilen tiistaina aiempaa raskastekoisemman sorvin. Nosto-ovellinen tila, mahdollisuus ajaa peräkärry sisälle asti, valmis taljan kiinnityspiste katossa ja pariovet huoneiden läpi tekivät siirto-operaatiosta tähän mennessä läbin helpoimman ison koneen liikkuttelutyön.

Nelileukaa tähän ei nyt ollut, joten kiinnitykset pitää tehdä laipoilla. Öljyt ja vaihteisto näyttivät hyväkuntoisilta. Konetta päästään kokeilemaan, kunhan sähkötyöt on ensin saatu valmiiksi.

Tapahtui marraskuussa 2016

Tapahtui marraskuussa 2016

Ovesta on kannettu taas sisään kaikenlaista uutta.

Saimme lahjoituksena ison erän kaikenlaista pienrautaa, laakereita, mittalaitteita, hihnapyöriä, moottoreita ja muuta sekalaista. Lajittelimme jo osan käyttökelpoisesta materiaalista laatikoihin, mutta työtä riittää edelleen. Tiistaina nostimme sisään kompressorin odottelemaan asennusta, ja jotta Kremmen saisi peräkärrynsä takaisin muuhun käyttöön.

20161129_ompelukone 20161115_leikkuri_teline 20161124_mendel_okHacklabille on ostettu aivan uusi ompelukone. Haluaisimme jatkaa ensi vuonna käsityökerhon toimintaa – tule mukaan vapaaehtoiseksi jos kiinnostaa!

3D-tulostimia on huollettu, ja mendel90-projekti alkaa olla käyttökuntoinen. Levynleikkaus- ja taivutuskoneelle rakennettiin jalusta ja koulutustilan seinään asennettiin odoteltu naulakko. Takeille on reilusti tilaa, joten nyt olemme viimeinkin valmiina talvea varten. Kunhan ulko- ja sisäkengille saadaan vielä omat paikkansa, niin eteiskäytävän ei pitäisi enää olla yhtä ikävä kuin ennen. Marraskuun alussa sorvilla pyöräytettiin ensimmäiset kappaleet ja Lotalla on harjoiteltu kaiverrusterän käyttöä.

Alkuvuoden HSF2017 lähestyy koko ajan, joten on aika kaivaa mindstorms -Legot, Arduinot, moottorit ja sensorit esiin, ettei tule kiire kisarobotin rakentamisen kanssa.

Busy Saturday

Busy Saturday

All photos from Saturday available on Flickr!


24092016_vieraatThis Saturday morning we received a visit from Hong Kong Productivity Council. The group was on a tour learning about creative spaces in Finland, and they also wanted to see our hackerspace. Rambo was kind to wake up early (though he was CNC milling late on the previous night) so that our guests could also visit Espoo library makerspace and catch their returning flight. He also managed to get the front door open despite of some malfunction in the electronic lock. Thank you for the visit HK!

A new lathe

We have looked for a sturdier metal lathe for a long time. Earlier this week, I found a suitable candidate in Raisio, and Kremmen quickly arranged the deal after inspecting the machine and getting a group of donors for the buy. At 6 pm the lathe arrived at Hacklab front door. We had about ten volunteers carefully pushing, rolling and winching the heavy object – a true last mile problem. Front door was almost reached after two hours of work.

24092016_sorvi_siirrossaAfter getting over the doorstep and through our narrow corridor, the work became much faster. The space had been cleared clean earlier that day. For some reason, we managed accidentally open the oil plug and decided to release everything out after finding a bucket and some hand towels before making too much mess.

Our upstairs neighbours had got married that day, and they kindly gave us rest of their wedding cake. The project had taken some time, and not many of us had eaten anything in midst of it, so this was a very much appreciated and greeted gift. Congratulations!

24092016_viimeiset_metritAt 11 pm, after solving the oil spill and making more space by sawing some bits off the wall, the lathe was now on its final spot. There are not much tools for the lathe yet, so if you want to contribute to this purchase, see our discussion forum thread about how we bought the machine and what is needed for getting it to work. Big thanks to everyone who participated in the process!

Other projects

Lotta CNC was emptied of its excess milling material. It had collected a good amount of mostly aluminium chips inside, and it was time to get it all out. Now it’s looking much better.

24092016_majava_rajattuDepili had started making a beaver figure sign for the wood working room door. First, the picture was printed, then glued on a piece of wood, band sawed, filed and finally a wood finish layer was applied on the surface. I used Inkscape and our vinyl cutter to make a stencil mask, and after some airbrushing, the beaver now had some character.

Also, rambo was quick fixing the front door lock, before leaving the space among the last ones (again).

Suomen Kulttuurirahaston apuraha Helsinki Hacklabille

Suomen Kulttuurirahaston apuraha Helsinki Hacklabille

Suomen_Kulttuurirahaston_logoHelsinki Hacklab has received a grant from Finnish Cultural Foundation. The 14 000 € amount will be used in tools for metal and woodwork, and building a room for welding and other heat creating work.

Helsinki Hacklab ry:lle on myönnetty 27.2. Suomen Kulttuurirahaston apuraha metallityötilan rakentamiseen, metallintyöstön työkaluihin ja puuverstaan työkaluihin. Myönnetty summa on suurudeltaan 14 000 euroa, ja siitä puolet käytetään tulityötilan suoja- ja työvälineisiin. Puutyötilan hankintalistalla on mm. uusi isompi vannesaha. Neljäsosa summasta kuluu tulityötilan rakentamiseen.

Yhdistys haluaa kiittää Kulttuurirahastoa luottamuksenosoituksesta toiminnallemme sekä hakemuksemme lausunnonantajia kaikesta tuesta, mitä olemme saaneet. Apuraha on myös tunnustus yhdistysaktiivien tekemälle suurelle työlle tilan rakentamisessa, yhdessä tekemisessä, avoimuudessa, kurssien pitämisessä ja kaikessa muussa toiminnassa.

Tiistain jäsenillassa juhlitaan avustusta ja suovula on luvannut ostaa käpykakun. Kevään jälkeen Helsinki Hacklab lopettaa jatkuvan remontoinnin ja keskityy häksäämiseen, koulutuksiin ja jäsenten omiin projekteihin. Nyt enää loppurutistus, niin saadaan viimeisteltyä Takkatien työtila lopulta kuntoon!