Key member application

Key member application

Members can additionally apply for key membership in Helsinki Hacklab. Apply with this form.

Choose your montly fee amount. Employed members are suggested to choose recommended price, but the choice is completely yours. Application does not require any stated reason to ask for a discount.

We ask you to come to any of our Open Tuesdays and present yourself to the members of the board. Instructions how to pay your key membership are sent to you after the board meeting has processed your application. If your application is not replied in two weeks, you can send the board a reminder. Note! Key member fees are paid to a different account than membership fees – please do not make any payments before you have received payment info and your personal reference number. After you have received them, please make a monthly recurring transaction in your bank and set a due date somewhere in the first half of month.

Uusi avainjäsen
Sinun on ensin oltava jäsen Helsinki Hacklabissa / You need to be a member of Helsinki Hacklab first