Open Tuesdays continue as usual

Our lab has been under renovation for some weeks because of sewage leak that resulted in complete rebuild of our WC. Despite of this, Open Tuesdays have continued as usual, and only courses and other irregular events have been postponed to future. We hope that the current situation would be over within a month, and that the new WC room could serve us better than the old one, which was just miserable. We try to make the new room somewhat accessible, but cannot yet promise complete wheelchair accessibility.
For now, our neighbor Sirius has given us permission to use their toilet. Mind that the door has no handle on the other side, so do not lock yourself in! We’ll see if this could be fixed. There is a water tap now in Ell-i room, but in the kitchen the only usable machine is perhaps the microwave. You can follow the current situation on our Flickr feed.
On the brighter side, there’s a new Hacklab in Finland! Kuopio Hacklab is now accepting new members. Also, Tampere Hacklab has found a new home, which is roughly the same size as ours but with higher ceiling.