Syyskokous 2020-12-05

Syyskokous 2020-12-05

Tervetuloa syyskokoukseen 2020-12-05 klo 14.

Tapahtuma järjestetään pääosin etänä ja tällä kertaa ei pidetä samassa yhteydessä pikkujouluja.

Kokouksen asialista

  1. kokouksen avaus
  2. valitaan kokouksen puheenjohtaja, sihteeri, kaksi pöytäkirjantarkastajaa ja tarvittaessa kaksi ääntenlaskijaa
  3. todetaan kokouksen laillisuus ja päätösvaltaisuus
  4. hyväksytään kokouksen työjärjestys
  5. vahvistetaan toimintasuunnitelma, tulo- ja menoarvio sekä liittymis- ja jäsenmaksujen suuruudet seuraavalle kalenterivuodelle
  6. valitaan hallituksen puheenjohtaja ja muut jäsenet
  7. valitaan yksi tai kaksi toiminnantarkastajaa ja heille varatoiminnantarkastajat
  8. käsitellään muut kokouskutsussa mainitut asiat: (tällä hetkellä ei tiedossa olevia muita asioita)

The second annual general meeting will be held in Finnish on 2020-12-05 starting at 2pm

The event is arranged mostly online. This time we don’t have a pre christmas party.

Meeting agenda can be found in charpter 11. in Rules of the organisation.

Avoimet tiistait tauolla koronatilanteen takia / Open tuesdays on hold due to corona situation

Avoimet tiistait tauolla koronatilanteen takia / Open tuesdays on hold due to corona situation

Pahentuvan koronatilanteen takia Helsinki Hacklab on päättänyt perua avoimet tiistait ja yleiset koulutukset toistaiseksi. Avainjäsenet voivat jatkaa työskentelyä tiloissa omalla avaimellaan. Suosittelemme kuitenkin myös avainjäsenten käyttävän tiloja vain työhön tarvittavan ajan ja tekemään esimerkiksi datailun ja ajanvieton turvallisesti kotona. Jäseniä kannustetaan kuitenkin tekemään kaikkea labin ylläpitoa niin paljon kuin he haluavat. Huolehdithan myös tilojen siisteydestä tavallistakin paremmin.

Yhdistyksen hallitus seuraa viranomaisten ohjeita ja palaa asiaan tilanteen muuttuessa.

Due to worsening corona situation, Helsinki Hacklab has chosen to cancel all open tuesdays and courses for the time being. Key members can continue working at the lab with their own key. We recommend even key members to use the lab for only the time necessary for your task and doing for example programming and general hanging out safely at home. All work for maintaining the lab is encouraged and can be done as much as you like. Remember to keep the lab clean, even more so than normally.

The board follows the instructions of the authorities and will send updates when the situation changes.

End of summer update and important traffic route information

End of summer update and important traffic route information


Important: car traffic route changes leading to Hacklab

Starting from this week, Takkatie road to Helsinki Hacklab is temporarily closed from east and car users now have to arrive from Ravitie past Vermo hippodrome. The road work lasts for three months because of the new tram line construction. The tram starts its operation in 2024 and the closest stop will be 550 meters from our door in direction of Vermo. The closed crossing is marked with a red square in the picture.

End of summer opening times

We cannot promise normal weekly operations as for now, and there are no courses planned, only short indroductory trainings for tools occasionaly. Open Tuesdays are going on somewhat normally, but please refrain from visiting the place if you just plan to hang around without any projects etc., or in case you have been traveling or exposed to the virus in some risk location.

Now that much of the making and doing stays home, our online community is more important than ever. If you are a member and have not yet joined our Slack group, you can request a new join link from hallitus email.

New upstairs doors

This weekend we changed the first of two new doors in our upstairs expansion area. The goal is to connect them in our electronic lock system soon. The insides have also been improved with new paint on the walls. Doors had to be ordered in special measurements because of the low available installation height and odd widths.

There is also an ongoing work with the chemistry room. The fume cabinet is fitted with a blower that sends the air out. Similar work has been done also for the laser cutter, and it works with manual on/off for now.


Open Tuesdays continue with limitations

Open Tuesdays continue with limitations

Helsinki Hacklab continues Open Tuesdays. The government has set a limit of 50 persons for meetings, and the space is not very big for crowds. If situation or experiences from these Tuesdays show that we need to have additional limitations, we might set such during the evening or beforehand. Key members are advised to use the space on other days if possible.

Please note that the woodworking room and its machines are not in use due to installations in progress. Laser, electronics and metal working rooms are available as usual.

Some bigger and smaller progress in the space:

  • storage for woodworking is getting improved
  • upstairs doors will be changed
  • the back yard is more clean and usable than ever
  • we are taking the shipping container in use but it needs some work first
Spring meeting and a new table saw

Spring meeting and a new table saw

Exceptions continue in the workspace

Open Tuesdays are still not scheduled yet and the association follows national recommendations when deciding possible opening or further exceptions. Key members are adviced to use the space for improving the hackerspace and making personal projects at home if possible, thus keeping the number of people at the lab in minimum.

Spring meeting

This year’s spring meeting is held online on Sunday 2020-05-17 at 16.00. The agenda by rule is:

1. the opening of the meeting
2. choosing a chairperson, a secretary, two inspectors of the proceedings and when needed, two vote counters
3. the legality and decision-making power of the meeting are stated
4. the procedures of the meeting are accepted
5. the financial report, the annual report and the statement of the auditors are presented
6. the ratification of the financial report and freedom of responsibility for the board and other responsible persons are decided
7. other topics mentioned in the call for meeting are discussed

We will announce our members later how to participate in the meeting.

The changes in rules of the organisation we made in last fall meeting, have now been processed and accepted by the registry, and are in effect from now on.

New table saw

The new table saw we member funded has arrived today! The machine requires new training and a permit before use, even for those who have used the old one. This saw replaces the previous with more powerful motor and more solid, larger frame.

Exceptions in Open Tuesdays and table saw funding

Exceptions in Open Tuesdays and table saw funding

UPDATE 2020-04-17 We cannot yet make any promises when we will return to normal schedule. Open Tuesdays are at the moment still cancelled. The Arduino course has changed to online course only. We try to keep the calendar updated, but questions are answered in Slack/IRC/Telegram too.

We recommend that key members try to make only small and quick jobs for their projects and not spending long periods in the workspace so that there are as few people as possible same time (for example workday out of office is discouraged). All work for lab infrastructure and improvements plus social projects are welcomed even if they’re time consuming.


Helsinki Hacklab cancels all open Tuesdays and postpones the Arduino course until 2020-04-15, so the next Open Tuesday will be 2020-04-21 unless situation changes. The ARM/C course second meeting will be scheduled normally. We will keep the calendar updated for any changes. The exceptions only affect open events, so key members can use the place as usual.

If you have time and want to get the upstairs level more ready for use, you are very welcome to help us improving the new expansion. The lab is ordering new doors for upstairs expansion and we are planning to install electronic locks just like downstairs, but this will take some time as the doors have to be custom made because of odd dimensions.

Any changes and further exceptions can be found in the calendar.

New table saw

We are arranging a member collection for a table saw to replace the old one. If you’re a member and want to help us, you can support the project in our webstore.

Open Tuesday birthday party photos

Open Tuesday birthday party photos

Big thanks to everyone who visited the birthday party on Open Tuesday! The event brought together first time visitors, supporters, current active volunteers, affiliates, long time members and even founding members of the club. Total number of participants must have been over one hundred during the evening.

Besides the party, there was a chance to take a first look into the new upstairs area. The plan how to use the new space is getting to build up, and textile work is very much likely to get its own fixed spot in the lab for the first time.

Unfortunately nobody brought a proper camera with them, but we have some random shots in a Flickr lab camera album.

10 years of Helsinki Hacklab and workspace extension

10 years of Helsinki Hacklab and workspace extension

Cutting the cake in celebration of ten years of Helsinki Hacklab on next Tuesday!

The formal association running Helsinki Hacklab was founded in the first meeting on 17th January 2010. Ten years after the hackerspace has grown into a group of over 400 members and more than 350 square meters of workspace.

We are celebrating our anniversary on next Open Tuesday in a new one hundred square meter workspace extension above our current basement level rooms. The new rooms are on ground level and make about one fourth of the total upstairs floor area.

Ground level expansion side of the building. Front doors on the left.

The group that initially started the space between 2009 and 2010 first met in libraries, in a squat house, small business development hub and an art space. Though the founding meeting was held in January 2010, it was later in June the same year when we opened the doors of our first self-organized physical space in Vallila. We moved in Pitäjänmäki in November 2014 and have remained in the same address since. Previous expansion of the space was in 2017 when we took over the remaining half of the basement level in our use, and now we are taking steps upstairs.

Birthday party on Tuesday

On next Tuesday we’ll open doors upstairs at 19.00, cut the cake and introduce everyone to the unlocked areas. The 100 square meters consist of three larger rooms, a closet room, kitchen, toilet and a bathroom with a small sauna, making Helsinki Hacklab one of the two hackerspaces in the world with a sauna besides Jyväskylä Hacklab. There is no stair connection between these two levels, making the ground level space more suitable for quiet and non-messy work, such as day out of office workdays and textile work.

We are also planning for more co-operation both with the local infosec group HelSec and Disobey ry. in 2020. This might include using the space more often for software and information security targeted courses and happenings.

A rough sketch of the new area
Jäsenmaksut 2020

Jäsenmaksut 2020

Mukavaa uutta vuotta!

Maksuohjeet vuoden 2020 jäsenyydelle yhdistyksessä on lähetetty tänään sähköpostitse. Tällä kertaa emme voi käyttää Holvi-pankkia laskujen lähettämiseen Holvin ongelmien vuoksi, vaan maksut menevät Nordea-tilillemme. Käytäthän mielellään virtuaaliviivakoodia maksamiseen, tai kopioi tarkalleen IBAN-muodossa annetut ohjeet viitenumeron kanssa sähköpostistasi. Maksuohjeet muuttuvat vuosittain, joten älä tee maksusta toistuvaa!

Happy New Year!

Payment info emails for 2020 membership in the association have been sent today. This time we cannot use Holvi bank for sending invoices because of problems with Holvi, so we use our Nordea account instead. Please use the virtual barcode, or copy IBAN info precisely using the reference number. Payment info changes every year, so do not make the payment recurring!

Open Tuesdays cancelled on 24th and 31st Dec

Open Tuesdays cancelled on 24th and 31st Dec

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

This year both Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve collide with Open Tuesdays. Regular schedule returns on 7th Jan. with doors open again for everyone who wants to do and make stuff.

It will be an exciting new year for Hacklab, we are already preparing for Disobey 2020 and more. We’ll let you know later!