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May Contain Hackers 2022 – a photo album

May Contain Hackers 2022 – a photo album


MCH2022 camp is now over and the Finnish village empty in the scouting field of Flevoland, the Netherlands. Helsinki Hacklab was represented alongside with, HelSec, TurkuSec etc. other groups and individuals, plus joining forces with other Nordic villages forming the Cold North cluster in “the noisy corner”.

Originally the camp was supposed to be in 2021 but got postponed to 2022. In total the participant count was about 3 500 hackers, many of volunteering as well. If you want to get a glimpse of the atmosphere, get to know what the event is all about, most of the streamed talks are already archived online.

The village cluster got lucky the rental sauna, after a competing reservation for a different event got canceled and the idea was greenlighted from the organizers. Just like last time, the awesome new conference badge also got an app for the temperature tracking, though this time our village managed to release it quickly on day zero. As usual, our party tent was full of salmiakki in all shapes and forms except for salmiakki ice cream.

The villagers pushed maybe three or more apps in the badge app store, took volunteering tasks, competed in the CTF and arranged workshops or talks. Helsinki Hacklab provided laser cutted deco for the area. Our machine works great for this type of job because the the working area enables cutting large banners with a single run.

Springtime 2021

Springtime 2021

Web development course starting soon!

Just a small update on what’s going on in Helsinki Hacklab in the spring of 2021. Lockdown is still going on, access is limited to key members mostly, but we have been active online. In 2021 we have had courses about ARM, Arduino and now we’re starting a new web development series. To participate, members can find #web-kehitys channel in Slack.

Wood workshop got some tools waiting for some service and installation. The laser got a new tube, though unfortunately somewhat prematurely. Lotta CNC has gone trough a data transfer maintenance and the storage room is now less unclean as it was earlier this year.

Käytännön toimintaohjeita poikkeusaikana

Käytännön toimintaohjeita poikkeusaikana

Yhdistykseltä on kysytty paljon viime aikoina erityisesti uusien jäsenten ja perusjäsenten tilankäytöstä. Käytäntöjä ei ole määritelty erityisen tarkkaan ja joudumme myös seuraamaan mahdollista muuttuvaa tilannetta ja reagoimaan sen mukaisesti. Tässä joitain kesän ja syksyn aikana vakiintuneita toimintatapoja, joita olemme pyrkineet noudattamaan:

  • Avoimet tiistai-illat ja muut säännölliset tapahtumat ovat peruttu.
  • Perusjäsenet ilman omaa avainta joutuvat järjestämään pääsyn tilaan sopimalla asiasta jonkun avainjäsenen kanssa. Parhaiten tämä onnistuu kyselemällä etukäteen Slackissa tai soittamalla läbin puhelimeen. Avainjäsenen ei ole pakko päästää ketään sisään, jos hänellä ei esimerkiksi ole siihen mahollisuutta kiireiden tms. syiden vuoksi. Pääsy työtilaan ei onnistu lähettämällä sähköpostia hallitukselle.
  • Suosittelemme käyttämään läbiä vain projektien tekemiseen ja työtilan ylläpitoon, ei yleiseen pitkäaikaiseen oleskeluun.
  • Uusien avainjäsenten hyväksymisessä pyydämme ottamaan ennakkoon selvää mahdollisimman paljon kaikesta nettisivuilla ja wikissä löytyvistä tiedoista, nyt kun emme voi tavalliseen tapaan edellyttää aiempaa näyttöä jäsenaktiivisuudesta avaimen myöntämisessä. Emme toivo että avainta haetaan hetken mielijohteesta poikkeusaikojen pakottavan tarpeen vuoksi lyhyelle aikavälille. Tule haastatteluun vasta kun olet lukenut yleisiä ohjeita avainjäsenyydestä, tavaroiden säilytyksestä ja wikin työtilan kuvauksesta. Kirjoitetun ohjeistuksen ymmärtäminen ja ohjeiden etsiminen on avainjäsenelle edellytettävän tärkeää, ja tätä arvioidaan myös haastattelussa.

Yksinkertaisissa kysymyksissä pyydämme esittämään kysymykset jäsenistölle Slackissa ja lähettämään hallitukselle kyselyjä vain jäsenyyteen, raha-asioihin ym. aiheisiin liittyen.


We have received many questions about how to use the space lately. We don’t have a complete list of instructions, but here are some practices we have applied so far during the exceptional opening hours:

  • Open Tuesdays etc. are canceled.
  • Basic members without their own key, have to arrange themselves in the lab accompanied by a key member. Best way to do this is to ask beforehand using Slack or calling our telephone. There is no possibility to arrange an appointment by email.
  • We recommend to use the lab for projects and maintenance only, not spending time in general.
  • New key member applicants have to be better prepared for the interview than usual, now that we cannot help them getting to know the place in the usual way. We hope the applicant has read most of the information available on our website and wiki. We assess in the interview how the applicant has done their research.

Simple questions concerning are asked to be directed in Slack channels and not hallitus/board email. You are welcome to send email concerning about memberships, fees etc.

Syyskokous 2020-12-05

Syyskokous 2020-12-05

Tervetuloa syyskokoukseen 2020-12-05 klo 14.

Tapahtuma järjestetään pääosin etänä ja tällä kertaa ei pidetä samassa yhteydessä pikkujouluja.

Kokouksen asialista

  1. kokouksen avaus
  2. valitaan kokouksen puheenjohtaja, sihteeri, kaksi pöytäkirjantarkastajaa ja tarvittaessa kaksi ääntenlaskijaa
  3. todetaan kokouksen laillisuus ja päätösvaltaisuus
  4. hyväksytään kokouksen työjärjestys
  5. vahvistetaan toimintasuunnitelma, tulo- ja menoarvio sekä liittymis- ja jäsenmaksujen suuruudet seuraavalle kalenterivuodelle
  6. valitaan hallituksen puheenjohtaja ja muut jäsenet
  7. valitaan yksi tai kaksi toiminnantarkastajaa ja heille varatoiminnantarkastajat
  8. käsitellään muut kokouskutsussa mainitut asiat: (tällä hetkellä ei tiedossa olevia muita asioita)

The second annual general meeting will be held in Finnish on 2020-12-05 starting at 2pm

The event is arranged mostly online. This time we don’t have a pre christmas party.

Meeting agenda can be found in charpter 11. in Rules of the organisation.

Exceptions in Open Tuesdays and table saw funding

Exceptions in Open Tuesdays and table saw funding

UPDATE 2020-04-17 We cannot yet make any promises when we will return to normal schedule. Open Tuesdays are at the moment still cancelled. The Arduino course has changed to online course only. We try to keep the calendar updated, but questions are answered in Slack/IRC/Telegram too.

We recommend that key members try to make only small and quick jobs for their projects and not spending long periods in the workspace so that there are as few people as possible same time (for example workday out of office is discouraged). All work for lab infrastructure and improvements plus social projects are welcomed even if they’re time consuming.


Helsinki Hacklab cancels all open Tuesdays and postpones the Arduino course until 2020-04-15, so the next Open Tuesday will be 2020-04-21 unless situation changes. The ARM/C course second meeting will be scheduled normally. We will keep the calendar updated for any changes. The exceptions only affect open events, so key members can use the place as usual.

If you have time and want to get the upstairs level more ready for use, you are very welcome to help us improving the new expansion. The lab is ordering new doors for upstairs expansion and we are planning to install electronic locks just like downstairs, but this will take some time as the doors have to be custom made because of odd dimensions.

Any changes and further exceptions can be found in the calendar.

New table saw

We are arranging a member collection for a table saw to replace the old one. If you’re a member and want to help us, you can support the project in our webstore.

Hacklab member exhibitions in MUU Galleria, Galleria Sculptor and Grenna Museum

Hacklab member exhibitions in MUU Galleria, Galleria Sculptor and Grenna Museum

Anu Raatikainen: Consciousness Screen

Muu Galleria, Lönnrotinkatu. Nov 9th – Dec 15th. [website]

Opening of the exhibition on Friday 8 November, 2019, from 5-7 pm. All Hacklab members are invited!

Anu makes drawings with oil paint medium. Unlike paint, which would bleed along the fibres, the medium retains its shape on the paper. Areas saturated with it become translucent compared with the untreated opaque paper, and the drawn marks become visible when seen against light. Instead of being reflected from the surface, light in these works passes through the substrate. Filtering through the marks made with the painting medium, light itself becomes a material. The passage of light through the paper is determined by the marks drawn on it, not unlike the human mind that with its definitions and conceptual thinking delimits the endless possibilities of the world into a specific shape.

All welding of LED light steel tubing stands have been made by Anu using Helsinki Hacklab workspace and tools.

Pia Männikkö: NordiSkulptur

Galleria Sculptor, Eteläranta. Nov 1st – Jan 8th. [website]

A duo exhibition in Galleria Sculptor. Pia’s art features bodily connection between a viewer and an artwork to create immersive situations and spaces for the viewer to enter. Mapping the passage of time, as well as creating objects that gradually grow and change, play a central role in her working process.

There’s also an additional display at the Nordic Culture Point´s window gallery, Kaisaniemenkatu 9.

Axel Straschnoy: Float

Nya Småland & Grenna Museum Polarcenter, Sweden. Oct 12th – Dec 31th [website]

Tapping threads in buoy parts

Axel’s creation is a buoy inspired by S. A. Andrée 1897 balloon expedition to the North Pole.

The buoy was launched into the sea off the coast of Lofoten, into the Norwegian current. The current carries water along the west coast of Norway, towards Svalbard. A part of it continues towards the Arctic. Thus, a buoy let loose into it has some chance to make it to the Arctic. Once there, there is a non-zero chance of it getting frozen-in in the Arctic ice. Once part of the Arctic ice, there is a non-zero chance it will one day be over the North Pole. The possibilities are slim, yes, but so were Andrée’s.

Parts of the buoy were adjusted by Axel in our metal workshop room before the final assembly and launch.

Key member application process updated

Key member application process updated

Lyhyesti – Avainjäsenten hakemusten käsittely muuttunut: avainhakemukset käsitellään jatkossa vain live-haastatteluina hallituksen kokousten yhteydessä ja avainten myöntäminen nopeutuu.

Helsinki Hacklab now handles key member applications like this:

  • We have specific dates for new key member interviews. Look for “Apply for a key”-events in our calendar.
  • You don’t have to send any emails or application forms anymore
  • You should generally get your key soon as we have interviewed you
  • Just arrive on time, no requirement to inform us in advance

We previously had situations of unprocessed applications from applicants we never met in person or never replied us back, or that accepted new key members had to wait for their key too long. As previously, Hacklab always interviews all new key member applicants. We decided to cut out the extraneous application form, skip straight to the interview part, and promise all applicants that they get their key immediately after a successful interview. This model sort of copies from Stockholm Makerspace.

Apply for key events coincide with board member meetings, which are currently held on second Monday each month, with exceptions during summer/holiday seasons and possible extra meetings every now and then.

Key members are crucial for our club’s existence! We couldn’t afford our rent without all our great key members, who sponsor us paying a monthly key fee. If you’re interested in 24h access in Helsinki Hacklab with benefit of own storage boxes – plus helping us making our activities possible – we highly recommend getting yourself a key! Helsinki Hacklab does not receive or rely on any regular sponsorship from outside sources, so it’s really up to us to run the place together.

New front door

New front door

The new door installed

Our front door was swollen, twisted and did not keep the cold outside well enough. I restored an another old door, removed the paint, filled, sanded and repainted it with “club colors”. Also, the emergency exit back door got a fresh new look too. Here’s a photo collection of the process:

Removed old paint from the replacement door

The old door

Starting point with some sanding and fillings

Emergency exit back door paint job

Inside details

Now it’s quite easy to give instructions how to find us: if you don’t see a green door with orange circles, you’re not there yet.

Jäsenhakemusten käsittelyssä viivettä

Jäsenhakemusten käsittelyssä viivettä

HKI Hacklab logoKesän kiireistä johtuen jäsen- ja avainhakemuksien jonoa ei ole ehditty käsitellä hallituksen kokouksessa. Jos olet lähettänyt jäsenhakemuksen, voit osallistua toimintaan normaalisti jo ennen kuin hakemuksesi on käsitelty.

Due to summer schedules, member applications and key member applications have not been processed in board meetings yet. If you have sent us a membership application, you can already participate in activities before you have been formally accepted.

Helsinki Hacklabin kevätkokous 2018 / Spring meeting

Helsinki Hacklabin kevätkokous 2018 / Spring meeting

Helsinki Hacklab ry:n sääntömääräinen kevätkokous pidetään lauantaina 19.5.2018 klo 14. Paikkana työtilamme Takkatie 18 alakerrassa.

Paikalle saa saapua jo 12 alkaen valmistelemaan ja siivoamaan tilaa. Virallinen kokous aloitetaan kello 14. Ennen ja jälkeen on epävirallista kokoontumista.

Tarjoilu nyyttikestiperiaatteella. Tervetuloa!

Helsinki Hacklab holds its annual spring-meeting on Saturday 19.5.2018, 14:00, at our premises in Takkatie 18. You can arrive starting from 12:00. After the official part there is general hanging around and snacks using the potluck principle. Welcome!

Siivoustalkoot / Clean-up day

Lauantaina 5. toukokuuta klo 14. Lisätiedot discoursessa.

Työalueena pääasiassa nosto-ovellinen varastohuone, roskien lajittelu ja piha-alue. Tule mukaan!

Join us on May 5th, when we clean up our storage room and the backyard. We start at 14.00.