Key member application process updated
Lyhyesti – Avainjäsenten hakemusten käsittely muuttunut: avainhakemukset käsitellään jatkossa vain live-haastatteluina hallituksen kokousten yhteydessä ja avainten myöntäminen nopeutuu.
Helsinki Hacklab now handles key member applications like this:
- We have specific dates for new key member interviews. Look for “Apply for a key”-events in our calendar.
- You don’t have to send any emails or application forms anymore
- You should generally get your key soon as we have interviewed you
- Just arrive on time, no requirement to inform us in advance
We previously had situations of unprocessed applications from applicants we never met in person or never replied us back, or that accepted new key members had to wait for their key too long. As previously, Hacklab always interviews all new key member applicants. We decided to cut out the extraneous application form, skip straight to the interview part, and promise all applicants that they get their key immediately after a successful interview. This model sort of copies from Stockholm Makerspace.
Apply for key events coincide with board member meetings, which are currently held on second Monday each month, with exceptions during summer/holiday seasons and possible extra meetings every now and then.
Key members are crucial for our club’s existence! We couldn’t afford our rent without all our great key members, who sponsor us paying a monthly key fee. If you’re interested in 24h access in Helsinki Hacklab with benefit of own storage boxes – plus helping us making our activities possible – we highly recommend getting yourself a key! Helsinki Hacklab does not receive or rely on any regular sponsorship from outside sources, so it’s really up to us to run the place together.